The weather, for the most part, has settled down here in the Venice area, so we have been able to move around and find a good bite on the Redfish. We have also found some Speckled Trout. Most everyone I have had fishing with me have wanted the Redfish, so I have not spent much time targeting the Specks. I have had folks fishing with me the last couple of weeks from South Carolina, Georgia, California, Tennessee, and Washington State, and they have wanted the hard fighting Redfish. The South Carolina guys call the Redfish “Spottails”. I like catching the Specks, but folks don’t travel across the country for them. The big Redfish is the star of the show.
The Mississippi River stage is around Eight feet in New Orleans and is expected to be around ten feet in a week, so the river is still muddy with fast fresh water for a while. No big deal. We are used to it. When it falls to around five feet we will start fishing in the river if we like. When that will happen no one knows, but most likely sometime in July. The only constant is change. Every fishing day is different. There are no guarantees. No promises. I just try to set my clients up with the best chance to hook up on some fish. Much of our chance at having success is the fishing skills of my clients. If someone hooks up on a big fish and they can’t work that fish around the boat, then that fish is going to get in the engine and break off. If someone has limited mobility, they need to let me know, so I can give them a hand. I ask if everyone has experience fishing, and the answer is almost always, “yes”. The Redfish fishing here in Venice is work. It is fun, but it is work. It takes effort by all. Everyone has been great. All good.
Everyone has really enjoyed the cooking here at the lodge. The wife has really got some good food going on. No peanut butter and jelly sandwiches here (unless you want one). I have had a lot of compliments on the food here. Good thing I have good help, I need all the help I can get. Unless we get some real stupid weather, I think we will clobber the fish this Summer. The fish are here. We just got to find them on a daily basis. The sooner we find them the better. Give me a call if you want in on some good fishing.
Captain Shawn LANIER
Fish On Guide Service