Joey Amorello and crew made it into the lodge Wednesday night. Joey cooked up a great steak and potato dinner and a incredible bread pudding.  We woke up and loaded the Bluewaves up and off to the trout grounds!  It didn't take long before the shrimp were running for their lives being chased by hungry trout.  Our double rigged Matrix Shad lures quickly went to work slinging in fish after fish. Once the smoke settled 62 fish were taking a ice bath. The bite shut down earlier than it has been.  We moved on to another location picking away under corks. Then soaked crabs only finding one redfish.   We focused the rest of the day on trout finding big schools of smaller size fish with few keepers but got our total up to 80 trout. A incredible day as the guys had a blast catching all the fish and laughing and joking all day. 
Thanks Capt Miller for running the second boat putting the guys on fish also, good times. 
Capt Marty LaCoste