New customer Scott Murphy and his wife joined me today. What a morning they got to experience!! Fast n Furious every cast action on Shrimp Creole Matrix under a cork. We trolled around for the first 30 minutes then hit the mother load of mother loads!!! The bite was insane, as we had our three person limit in a matter of 30 minutes once we found the pot of silver! We left the trout biting every cast and went deep in the marsh to redfish. We topped the box off with 6 reds, 2 pup drum, and a bay snapper. We sight casted to 6 reds minimum with two taking the bait and the rest spooking or just swimming away. Pretty awesome day as it just doesn't get much better. Thanks again Scott, awesome time with you.
Big thanks to Capt's K Labat, S Whitney, and A LaCour for taking care of the Inolect crew. Everyone smashed the trout and the customers raved about how much fun they had.
Capt Marty LaCoste