Mike Lane - RodnReel.com

New Orleans, LA USA

Had the pleasure of fishing with Captain Jody Donewar and his deckhand Heather.

All of the stars were in a row. Light winds, perfect tide, live shrimp and a Captain that is second to none.

My sales person Wanda Stewart and I were in for atrout slaughter!

I got to the marina at 6:00 and Wanda got lost and didn’t get there until 6:45.

We jumped into Jody’s Ranger and after getting through the locks we actually went north in the river. We left the river and traveled into the marsh thru Mardi Gras pass. If you know what your doing you can do this. What started as a levee breach is now here forever and getting larger. Shame on the agencies that used to protect the integrity of the river. I wonder why they even bother to have locks anymore. Just wasting our money… what’s new.

This trip was not exactly one stop shopping. Jody knew exactly where he wanted to fish (have us catch).

We were fishing a small island in the marsh that had a nice current flow. You could see the ripples from the running water with a slick in between 2 tidal movements.

The fish were in the edges of the visible running water and in the slick.

We fished live shrimp about 18” under a cork. The corks started going down immediately and consistently. At some point big sheep head move in.

Heather, the English deckhand picked up the Stiffy Push Pole upon command from Capt. Jody. The boat would move in the current a hundred yards or so and she would stick it and we would start catching trout again.

We had our limit of 75 trout, 2 keeperreds (the rest were too big), 1 channelmullet and 3 beautiful drum by 10:30.

Wanda has not been saltwater fishing a lot and Jody worked with her for the entire trip. Always instructive in a kind way, helping her to catch her share of the limit. Wanda is a much better fisherwoman due to his help.

Heather took excellent care of me. She would not let me bait my own hook and took of all of my fish off and Wanda's fish off also. I am not used to fishing like this but it was a pleasure.

If you want to have a wonderful trip, catch plenty of fish and have an all around good time, book Captain Jody Donewar. Lots of banter and laughing while kicking trout butt.

Jody cares for your fish while on the boat like no other. Plenty of layerd ice. Jody cleans your fish like a professional butcher, insuring cleanlesness and freshness. Watch him handle your fish. His meticulous approach is flawless! I guarantee the best possible trip when you book a trip with Captain Jody.
